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Monday, July 12, 2010

is it to hot?

Amazing how that in the second week of july there are waves and the water is warm? strange miracle or an enviromental wake-up call? warming than usual water temps. warmer air temp? what is august going to be like if this trend keeps up... Got a nice relaxing surf yesterday morning, no one out(at least for the first hour)then the two longboarders. Turns out all I had to do was sit inside of them and just cruise down the line while they went straight, made for a very high wave count in a very short time. I also think that people who surf and are on vacation in Cape May dont realize that the wave is alot faster then most beachbreaks. I think this is due to the steep slope of the beach, but also the spot that I was at, there is a section that if you are not familiar with looks like a closeout, but it actually walls up right after that and make s for a perfect section to slash the crap out of. besides that things have been good, Jackie is offically ready for nursing school after two hours of registration. Sydney is a little ball of energy!!! nothing stops her.

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